Miss Galegar's Biology Class

Pre-AP Literature Review

Below you will find some helpful information for writing your literature review.  I have included a copy of two literature reviews.  One was done by Mrs. Livingood and the other by myself.  You will find the one done by Mrs. Livingood is extremly detailed and contains more material than what you need.  In my literature review there is not as much detail as I would like for you to have for this project; however it give you a good idea as to what a short lit review can look like (mine was only over one piece of literature).

litreviewexample (this is the long example of a lit review)

Article Response #1 (this a very short lit review that I did for one of my grad classes.  It only contains one piece of lit unlike yours that will have 6)  

 litrevieworgexample (this is an example of how it is organized)

Below I have included some helpful websites that will help you with your references:

http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/section/2/11/ (this website will help you with all types of writing)

http://www.easybib.com/ (this website will help you put your information into the correct citations for your references)

http://scholar.google.com/ (use this to begin your research and coming up with your topics)

Your_Research_Handbook (This is Mrs. Lambert’s Media Center Handbook….All you need to know for writing a paper)

http://www.noodletools.com/ (this website will help you put your information into the correct citations)

Literature Review format example (this is the format for how I want you paper to look)